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Klara Petrović

Klara Petrović nezavisna je kustosica koja suosniva i djeluje u kolektivu KUĆĆA u Zagrebu. S kolektivom kurirala je 36. Salon mladih pod temom PARAZITI te provodi rezidencijalni program DNEVNA SOBA.


Na kulturnoj sceni djeluje od 2015. kad za vrijeme studija s Lujom Šimunović pokreće portal Kulturflux, za koji su nagrađene Nagradom Franjo Marković. Od 2016. – 2021. godine radila je u udruzi KONTEJNER| biro suvremene umjetničke prakse, a od 2017. – 2022. godine u Fotografskoj udruzi Organ Vida. Osim kao kustosica i producentica izložbi i programa festivala Ekstravagantna tijela: Ekstravagantna ljubav (2019.) i Touch Me Festivala (2020.) te izložbe finalista 11. izdanja Festivala Organ Vida, radila je i kao projektna menadžerica te kao voditeljica edukativnog projekta Kratki Spoj koji objedinjuje njezine interese prema eksperimentalnom i istraživačkom kustoskom radu.


2020. godine sudjelovala je u žiriju za Nagradu Radoslav Putar. Objavljena je u INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, te je pisala za portale Vizkulturu i MUF.

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Klara Petrovic is an independent curator holding an MA in Art History and Comparative Literature (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb).


She has worked alongside Luja Simunovic on numerous projects, starting with Kulturflux in 2016, a student-oriented website for art news, interviews and reviews for which she was awarded the Franjo Markovic award. Since then, she has been active on the independent cultural scene, mainly as a member of the curatorial collective KONTEJNER, an organization dedicated to the intersection of science and art, where she worked as a curator and project manager until 2021. She initiated and managed the educational project Short Circuit (2018-2020), which networks students of the Academy of Arts and students of natural sciences and humanities, including students of the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Humanities. She has also co-curated the festival Extravagant Bodies (2019) and Touch Me (2020). Simultaneously, she has been a part of Organ Vida, an organization dedicated to contemporary photography, as an exhibition coordinator and curator.


As part of the curatorial collective KUĆĆAA she has prepared the 36th Youth Salon (HDLU, 2022) on the topic of PARASITES. Areas of interest include experimental and investigative contemporary art practices. She was published by cultural portals (Vizkultura, Muf) and the INSAM Journal.

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